- Международное Брачное Агентство FilippovaVIP® & EurasiaFamily®, Китай, Австралия, Новая Зеландия, Жукова, 7, Иркутск, Россия, Москва
- ru_nz_cn
- kitajskij-muzh@yandex.ru
- КРУПНЕЙШИЙ ЕВРОПЕЙСКО-АЗИАТСКИЙ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ЦЕНТР СОЗДАНИЯ СЕМЬИ FILIPPOVA.VIP® & EURASIAFAMILY® Москва-Шанхай-Сидней-Нью-Йорк-Окленд 188 Quay street, WhatsApp +79778171688, Telegram @filippovavip

Замуж за китайца, иностранца.Элитные Знакомства для Создания Семьи по всему Миру!
Chinese Husband
Dear Ladies, in search of a life partner I strongly recommend to consider the personal qualities of a potential life partner, not his citizenship or country of residence! This will help you to make an objectively approach to the final selection and decision making in choosing the right partner for the life. Thus It could be Chinese husband or American husband or husband of any other nationalities, the most importnat is his good personality, responsibility and caring attitude to wards his lady.
✅Every couple that has entered the path of communication with us is important and we make every effort so that this path will lead you to the family creation! We wish it to you all!
✅The result of our work for VIP clients is not an exchange of contacts, not dates, but the family creation - the process takes at least 2 -3 months, during which both people expressed interest and devoted time and efforts to develop their relationships, make plans for future life together.
✅If you have serious intentions to create a happy family, you are welcome to our International Marriage Center "Chinese Husband" Filippova Tatiana Wang, plz feel free to drop a line, describe your situation and what kind of husband you would like to find. Yours Sincerely, #filippovatatiana #tatianawang
Below is our happy couple, happy lady with her chinese husband!